Monday, June 21, 2010


Farming, herding & servant life are the main three jobs in jesus time.

Herding- herding is a job for wandering nomads also called as shepherds. Herding is keeping herds of animals like goats and sheep are the commonly used animals for this job.

Farming- farming is were farmers come along, what they do is grow crops and harvest them to sell.

Servant life- Is a basic but cruel job because of the things that it involves like serving someone in high class and you usually don't get a break


  1. our teacher thought this was an historian blog thing, then we saw it was done by a yr 7 lololololol #trolltheteacher

  2. I may be young but I'm not stupid. I know what a farmer is

  3. hi im legit lebron james

  4. qw‰Ωåxstbgiuhnotjmpy7il,;p.v/'{

  5. Jesus Christ,
    You send us on the earth only for lordship. But we can't follow the instruction of Jesus, always said don't hurt anyone and but daily we hurt to other people. This is wrong and God never accept these things.Our life of jesus christ.
